StarGAN(Generative Adversarial Network) Algorithm With Code

GAN Algorithm Which Changes Humans into Animorphs!

GAN is about creating, like drawing a portrait or composing a symphony. This is hard compared to other deep learning fields. It is much easier to identify a Monet painting than painting one, by computers or by people. But it brings us closer to understanding intelligence. GAN leads us to thousands of GAN research papers written in recent years. In developing games, we hire many production artists to create animation. Some of the tasks are routine. By applying automation with GAN, we may one day focus ourselves on the creative sides rather than repeating routine tasks daily.

What does GAN algo do?

Teaser Video:

GIF that shows the GAN Algoriths:

GAN Algorithm Application:
  1. Generate Examples for Image Datasets
  2. Generate Photographs of Human Faces
  3. Generate Realistic Photographs
  4. Generate Cartoon Characters
  5. Image-to-Image Translation
  6. Text-to-Image Translation
  7. Semantic-Image-to-Photo Translation
  8. Face Frontal View Generation
  9. Generate New Human Poses
  10. Photos to Emojis
  11. Photograph Editing
  12. Face Aging
  13. Photo Blending
  14. Super Resolution
  15. Photo Inpainting
  16. Clothing Translation
  17. Video Prediction
  18. 3D Object Generation
Full Code of GAN Algorithm:  
